welcome to bwchird-site!

username: brightwinchird

passsword : *******

welcome to cancer-astrology site!


LALA, she/her, cancer, lgbtq+

foods, matcha and taro, EDM music, AUs, spicy, MICIN FOR LYFtoxic solo stan, being ignored, waiting.


BYF tweet in bahasa and broken english of course, I use harshword (sometimes), so loud and clowing.

DNFI lgbtq+ phobic, problecmatic pebaca or other fandom, likes to salpak, brightwin antis, toxic brights/sbps, brighttu / winprim shipper

TW blood, gore, animal abuse, suicide, porn

NOTES please do remind me on dm if i tweet something wrong or makes you uncomfortable.


ULTS brightwin, film, chimon, third
SEMI ULTS mileapo, earthmix, pluemon, ohmnon

“If you are ever lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go ”

flo, kudin, rar, cinta, kak yas, kak nab, buna ara, vira, kak vinn, kak shan, nuy, rara (vaelleitiebw) al, angel, manda, sean, cici, nisa, nana, yoyo, aca, padly, jed, ved, maya, artha, lala chichic, ana, zaasy, dwi, kak nana, darling, dame, eca, rael :), dhila, dasha, ciki, ay, depi, nan, kyla, mishil, yee, mek, and all moots.♡♡